Monday, August 31, 2009

Discuss the character of Ulysses as painted by Tennyson and indicate the contrast between him and Telemachus as pointed out by Tennyson. please give...

The title
character of the poem "" has ruled Ithaca for several years after his return from
several years of adventure. Now, as he is growing old, he is determined not to die at home, of
old age, but as he lived his life, with his old comrades, sailing off in search of further
adventure. Ulysses is not cut out for the administration of a kingdom, which he finds boring. In
the second stanza, he leaves his kingdom to his son Telemachus, who is

Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfill 
This labor, by
slow prudence to make mild 
A rugged people, and through soft degrees 
them to the useful and the good.

Telemachus, it seems,
has the patience to do the hard work, often drudgery, of kingship. Ulysses is made for
adventure, Telemachus for administration. As Ulysses says, "He works his work, I
mine." He leaves the kingdom secure in the knowledge that Telemachus will do a good job,
better, perhaps, than he would have done. 

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