Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What are some changes from the Norse version of Thor and Loki to the modern versions in Marvel?

There are
many differences between Thor and Loki as portrayed in the Marvel Universe, and how they are
characterized within Norse mythology. In the Marvel Universe, Thor and Loki are brothers (though
later it is revealed that Odin adopted Loki, who was the son of a frost giant.) In Norse
mythology, Loki is indeed the son of a giant named Farbauti, but Odin does not adopt him nor are
he and Thor ever brothers in any sense of the word. Alternatively, Loki and Odin do become
blood brothers, by nicking their own veins and holding them together as a sign of their

In Norse mythology, Loki and Thor are often companions. They travel
around as partners in many myths together. Loki might sometimes get on Thors nerves, but they
never directly compete or try to kill each other. Lokis fall from grace in real mythology has
nothing to do with Thor. It involves him murdering Balder, the god of purity and

In the Norse canon, Thor is married to Sif, a goddess known for her
long, golden hair. Thor also rides on a chariot pulled by goats, can only wield his magical
hammer Mjolnir using iron gloves, and wears a belt that doubles his strength. He is also never
cast out of Asgard. He dies during Ragnarok, fighting the Midgar Serpent. Loki also dies during
Ragnarok, after he had turned on the Aesir, while fighting Heimdall. Also, Thor, Loki and the
rest of the gods do agethey are only kept young by eating golden apples that restore their

There are many other differences from the characters as they are
portrayed in film, and the characters from Norse mythology. These are only a few of them. If
youre interested in learning about Norse mythology, DAulaires Book of Norse Myths is a wonderful
place to start. It has pictures and is meant for children, but is a good jumping off point for
kids and adults alike.

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