Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How do the animals deceive Mr. Whymper in Chapter Seven in Animal Farm?

The animals use a
number of tricks to deceive Whymper. They also lead him through the barn "on some suitable
pretext," so he sees that the grain bins are full and feels that the animals have nothing
to hide from him.

This plan to deceive Whymper is the work ofand reveals much
about his character: he is more concerned, for example, with having people believe that the farm
is doing well than actually working hard to make life on the farm better. In reality, Napoleon
cares only for his reputation, as is made clear in the text:

Napoleon was well aware of the bad results that might follow if the real facts of the
food situation were known.

In addition, Napoleon uses the
sheep to spread his message to Whymper because he knows that they are easily manipulated. This
is not the only time that he has used the sheep in such a manner: in Chapter Five, for instance,
he had them bleat "four legs good, two legs bad" to silence the other animals during a
discussion on the windmill. 

Napoleon is, therefore, prepared to do whatever
it takes to make Whymper believe his version of the truth. 

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