Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What is the significance in Oedipus the King? What are the significant themes or ideas in the play?

One of the
most profoundin all of literature, the evolution of ' character is probably one of the most
significant aspects of the drama.  His evolution in character from who he is at the start of the
play to who he is at the end of it reflects much of the essence of dramatic depictions of
character development and evolution.  His intelligence and faith in his own sense of self as
well as his immense sense of pride give way to a different understanding of self.  The sight he
gains about his condition in the world is only heightened by his blinding at the end of it. 
Through Oedipus, we learn the truth behind the idea of knowledge being a form of suffering and
the blissful condition of ignorance.  Oedipus demonstrates how the quest for truth is a
necessary part of the human condition, and in the process how its suffering causes inevitable
hardship and emotional turmoil.  Another significant element in the drama is the idea of human
freedom vs. fated destiny.  When Oedipus seeks to overcome the fate that has been destined for
him, we see a fundamental theme that underscores so much of literature.  How does human freedom
fit within a cosmic design?  Are our actions in accordance to our own will or some larger scheme
of which we are a small part?  If there is a destiny, can we overcome it? If this is true, is
there such a thing as freedom within the human condition or is everything predestined?  What
becomes the purpose of possessing freedom if destiny will triumph over it in the end?  These
questions all strike at the heart of ' work, making it extremely

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