Thursday, June 2, 2011

What is the tone in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," and who is the villain, the protagonist, antagonist?

The tone
is one of instruction and caution, like a fairy tale.In fact, if you look at the title, you will
see that its complete title is ":A Tale for Children."Upon first reading, you may
think this is the *last* thing you'd want to read to your child!But think of the stories of the
Brothers' Grimm.Those tales also were gruesome but contained some moral lesson, created not only
to excite but to instruct.

The villain and thecan be considered in two
ways.First, Pelayo and Elisenda treat the angel miserably.They do not appreciate in the least
this miraculous being.They cage him like a farm animal and exploit him for money.The people of
the town are no better.They eagerly come to view the angel and pay for a glimpse at the poor
creature.Even the priest, Father Gonzaga, is more interested in seeing if the angel meets his
prescribed tests, such as speaking Latin, instead of appreciating the miracle.

There is no humanin this story.The angel himself may be considered so, as he does
nothing wrong and finally escapes his mistreatment.

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