Monday, December 12, 2011

What are some examples of authority figures being ignored and how they are ignored in West Side Story?

In the musical
West Side
there are few adult characters present to represent

"authority" figures. Because the plot focuses mainly on issues that are being faced
the younger characters, the adult characters are scripted as eitheror just
ineffective people.
As such, they are ignored by the younger characters who
have bigger matters with which to
concern themselves. The adult characters
are Officer Krupke, Lieutenant Schrank, and Doc the

One example of authority characters being ignored
disrespected occurs in the very first scene of Act I. Officer Krupke and
Lieutenant Schrank
arrive right after a fight has taken place and question
the boys in the Jets gang about what has
just happened. The Jets give them
smart-alecky comments rather than straight answers, even
referring to Schrank
as "buddy boy". After Krupke and Schrank forbid them to fight any
with the Sharks and leave the scene, various Jets boys mock the things that the two
had just told them. At last Riff, the leader of the Jets, gathers his
gang together and incites
them to plan what he hopes will be a decisive
battle against the Sharks. This is in direct
opposition to what Krupke and
Schrank just told them to do.

Another example
of an
authority figure being ignored is in scene six at Doc's Drugstore. Doc tries to make
the kids leave, telling them that it is curfew time. Baby John, A-rab,
and Snowboy explain that
they are there to hold a war council with the Sharks
to decide on weapons for their upcoming
rumble. Doc starts to protest against
this dangerous plan, but is repeatedly interrupted by
Action, who explains
why he thinks that Doc and all the other men in Action's life just do not

understand what young people are like. Doc tries to make the point that their deadly
desire to
rumble with the Sharks is going to destroy them, but he is
continually contradicted. In spite of
his warnings, the war council is held
and the rumble is planned. Later in the same scene Tony is
alone with Doc,
and Doc expresses his fear about Tony's involvement with Maria as well as the

upcoming fight. But in spite of this Tony does not change his plans or


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