Thursday, May 30, 2013

In "The Masque of Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe, list examples of metaphors and similies.

is a comparison of two unalike things where one thing is said to be the other; a
is a comparison which is of somewhat lesser strength because it depends upon
the use of the words like or as.

The ebony clock in the seventh and final room, all hung with black, is
compared, via metaphor, to something living. The narrator says that, each
hour, "there came from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which was clear and loud and
deep and exceedingly musical." Obviously, a clock does not actually have lungs; neither can
it be considered to be "brazen," as this adjective implies purposefulness. The cabinet
in which the chimes hang is compared to lungs.

Poe employs another
metaphor when the narrator describes the dancing figures that stalk "To
and fro in the seven chambers" as "a multitude of dreams." They are living people
dressed so fancifully and fantastically that they seem like something out of a dream. They would
certainly add to the surrealism of the decor itself and affect the

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