Friday, May 17, 2013

When Juliet awakens in the tomb, what does Friar Lawrence want her to do?

's plan
is that whenwakes from her slumbers, she'll be whisked off to safety by , just arrived from his
exile in Mantua. But the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, and this particular case
is no exception.

The problemand a very big problem it is, toois that Romeo
doesn't know about the plan. Friar Laurence sent him word, but because of a sudden outbreak of
plague in Mantua, the messenger with the friar's letter wasn't allowed into the city, so Romeo
remained unaware of what was going on.

When Romeo finally arrives at Juliet's
tomb and sees her lying there, he naturally assumes that she's dead. That's exactly what
Juliet's family was supposed to thinkbut not Romeo. Wracked by anguish at what he wrongly
believes is the death of his beloved, Romeo kills himself, ingesting the poison he brought with
him from Mantua for just such a purpose. And if this weren't tragic enough, when Juliet wakes up
and sees Romeo's (real) dead body, she follows suit, plunging a dagger into her

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