Monday, July 22, 2013

How does the Sixth Commandment change in Animal Farm?

As was
mentioned in the previous post, the Sixth Commandment initially stated that "No animal
shall kill any other animal."passed down this tenet to unite the animals and prevent them
from becoming enemies with each other. However,quickly usurps power and begins his tyrannical
reign over . Napoleon initially attempts to murderduring a meeting but is unsuccessful. However,
Napoleon does follow through by murdering other animals in . In Chapter 7, Napoleon forces
confessions from various animals and has them killed by ferocious dogs. Napoleon's killings
mimic Joseph Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s when he arrested, exiled, and murdered political
dissidents in Russia. The brutal murders upset the animals, and Clover eventually asks Benjamin
to read the Sixth Commandment again. When Benjamin recites the Sixth Commandment,
it has been altered to read, "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause."
The additional two words added to the Sixth Commandment justify Napoleon's
demonstrates how authoritarian regimes manipulate the population through
the clever use of language to justify heinous acts and policies. 

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