Thursday, July 4, 2013

In Macbeth, what were the three predictions of the witches?

There are two scenes in whichreceives

predictions from . In act 1, both he andreceive predictions, and in act 4, he is shown
apparitions that give further information and warnings to

In act 1,
scene 3,and Banquo are walking from a
battlefield on the heath and come across three witches.
The witches hail
Macbeth Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King (of Scotland). At this
in the play, Macbeth is already Thane of Glamis, but he is surprised to
hear the other two
prophesied titles. He will learn later in the scene that
Kinghas, in fact, named him Thane of
Cawdor after the former Thane of Cawdor
betrayed the crown and fought with Norway. This makes
Macbeth believe that
the witches' predictions are correct and that he will be king


He decides to take matters into his own hands, of course,
and starts
plotting to kill Duncan, which he does off-stage in act 2. In act
1, Banquo also learns that he
will not be a king but he will "get kings,"
meaning he will be the father of kings.
This is important later because
Macbeth's paranoia leads him to have Banquo and his son, ,
Fleance actually escapes.

Once Macbeth has been king for a

little while, and has committed several more murders to keep his power, he demands
information of the witches. At the beginning of act 4, the witches show
him three apparitions.
The first tells him to "Beware " (IV.i.71). Macbeth
admits that he already is worried
about Macduff, and later in act 4, he
sendsto kill Macduff's family. Next, the second apparition
says that Macbeth
cannot be killed by any man "of woman born" (IV.i.80). The third
says he will remain king "until / Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill

/ Shall come against him" (IV.i.92-94). The second and third apparitions seem to
impossibilities, so Macbeth's confidence increases after this meeting
with the

He does not adequately prepare for the
coming war with England that
will eventually depose him from power. All of
these predictions do come true in act 5, as well.
Macduff is the character
who kills Macbeth, and it turns out that he was cut from his mother's
because she died before he could be born naturally. As the English army
Macbeth's castle on Dunsinane Hill, they disguise themselves with
foliage, so it appears that
the forest is actually approaching the



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