Friday, May 8, 2015

On what page does Winston say that "freedom is the ability to say that two plus two equals four?"

In Part
One, chapter 7 of the online Planet Ebook Edition of ,writes in his diary,
"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four" ( 103). As Winston is
contemplating the extensive authority and power of the Party, he recognizes that the government
will soon make citizens believe that two plus two equals five using the concept of doublethink,
which is when a person believes and accepts two contradicting ideas simultaneously. Winston
realizes that despite the Party's overarching control of society, he is able to maintain his
independence by thinking logically and rejecting the Party's manufactured perspective of the
world. Unlike the majority of citizens in Oceania, Winston rejects the Party's propaganda and
knows that government agents have been effectively altering history in the Ministry of Truth.
The Party is essentially practicing reality control in order to make every citizen perfectly
orthodox and ensure the Party's reign for eternity. In such a...

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