Friday, July 10, 2015

What is the main point of "Leadership That Gets Results" by Daniel Goleman and what element of it is surprising or unusual?

Goleman used a sample
of over 3,000 executives and found that the most successful leaders don't use just one
leadership style. Instead, even in the span of a single week, the most productive leaders employ
different leadership styles and are able to choose the style that is most effective for that
situation. All of these styles build on components of emotional intelligence. The six styles are
coercive (getting people to agree to demands), authoritative (getting people to buy into one's
vision), democratic (building agreement among people), affirmative (building people's emotional
commitment to the organization and each other), pacesetting (getting people to do their best),
and coaching (helping people reach future goals).

The most surprising
element of Goleman's work is that emotional intelligence is necessary in all kinds of successful
leaders. This means that leaders must be aware of their own emotions and capabilities and be
aware of others' emotions and skills and how to bring them...


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