Saturday, December 5, 2015

In Boyne's The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, why does Bruno think the Fury is the rudest person he ever witnessed?

"The Fury," of course, is Bruno's
erroneous pronunciation of Adolf Hitler's title: "the F¼hrer." The exact words from
the novel are that Bruno believes "the Fury" is the rudest guest I ever seen.  A few
of the main reasons why Bruno thinks this are that Adolf Hitler invites himself to Bruno's house
for dinner, marches inside, and immediately takes Bruno's father's head spot at the dinner
table.  Another reason that Bruno thinks Adolf Hitler is rude is the way that he treats Eva.
 When Eva spends too long visiting with the children, Bruno hears Hitler "roar."  Then
Hitler yells at Eva to come to his side by clicking his fingers as if she were some sort of
puppy dog.  It is obvious to Bruno that Adolf Hitler immediately gets everything he wants
despite his behavior.  There is also an indirect reason why Bruno believes "the Fury"
to be very rude:  "the Fury" is the reason why Bruno and his family had to move from
Berlin.  Because Bruno loved his home in Berlin (especially the banister and the fact that they
lived close to Bruno's grandparents), Bruno is especially disgusted to be living near the
concentration camp of "Out-With" (Auschwitz).

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