Wednesday, December 23, 2015

What would be a good thesis for Edwin Arlington Robinson's "Richard Cory"?

thesis statement should declare what the writer intends to prove, defend, or discuss throughout
the paper and make a claim that others might dispute. A thesis statement not only focuses the
attention on the primary topic but presents an argument to the reader, which the writer will
defend for the remainder of the paper. There are numerous thesis statements that one could write
to examine the various literary elements, themes, and writing techniques utilized byin his
classic poem " ." The poem focuses on a wealthy man named Richard Cory, who is admired
by the lowly workers he passes on the street, and it is told from the narrative viewpoint of the
poor townsfolk. Despite having presumably everything a person could ask for, Richard Cory dies
by suicide one evening. A relatively easy method for writing a thesis statement would be to
explore why Richard Cory took his own life or to elaborate on a prominent theme of the poem. The
following are...

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