Saturday, March 19, 2016

How important is doublethink to the Party's control of Oceania? How important is it to Winston's brainwashing?

is essential to the Party maintaining control of Oceania and also to 's brainwashing.

Doublethink is holding as true whatever contradictory ideas the Party says are true at
any given moment. It also means the ability to instantly switch one's thoughts and beliefs to
align with whatever new reality emerges from Party headquarters. 

On a
surface level, it's essential because chaos and confusion would ensue if people stopped and
questioned what was going on in their world. For example, when the Party announces that the
chocolate ration is going up when it is actually going down, if people were to say, "hey,
wait a minute, none of this makes sense," it would be much more difficult for the Party to
stay in control. Therefore, everyone must be terrorized into acceptance and obedience.

However, the Party's goal, asexplains to Winston, is far greater than extracting
outward conformity and obedience from the people it rules. Its concept of power means forcing
people to...

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