Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How does Winston Smith link to the plot and the themes of 1984?

The plot is
the action in a novel that unfolds step by step. The theme is the message or meaning the author
is trying to convey.

is central to both the plot and the theme of the novel.
The story centers around what happens to him as sets out on a path of rebellion against the
state. The story also follows his development as he moves from being largely dehumanized by his
environment to regaining his humanity as he falls in love and enters into an old-fashioned
romantic relationship with . The second half of the novel focuses on how the state breaks
Winston and causes him to betray his beloved.

The plot illustrates the
novel's theme, which is that a humane, decent society is not built around constant surveillance,
lies, and terror. We must not, as Winston's story shows, abandon old fashioned human values of
love and decency. Truth matters, history matters, language matters, and democracy mattersbecause
democracy spreads power widely across society, preventing the kind of abuses that Winston must

Winston is called the "last man" because he tries to cling
to the idea that there is a truth beyond raw power, a truth that lies in love, in facts (two
plus two is four), and in human beings being allowed to think and reason for themselves. If he
is crushed, he also acts as warning that we must not let the state attain too much power over
individual lives.

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