Thursday, March 23, 2017

What happens at the end of "Araby" when the boy is at the bazaar?

For the narrator, there
almost seems to be something magical about Mangan's sister. He describes her "figure [as]
defined by the light from the half-open door," while her "dress swung as she moved her
body, and the soft rope of her hair tossed from side to side." It almost feels like time
slows down for him as he watches her move because he describes it in such detail. She is often
defined by light. He has never spoken to her, "and yet her name was like a summons to all
[his] foolish blood." The narrator even seems to think of himself as a kind of hero,
imagining that he "bore his chalice safely through a throng of foes" when he is really
only carrying his aunt's purchases, and Mangan's sister's name "sprang to [his] lips at
moments in strange prayers and praises which [he] did not understand." He would cry, for no
reason that he could tell, when he thought of her, and he felt "confused adoration."
In short, the narrator thinks of her as special, thinks of his feelings for her as special, and
thinks of their story as special. When they finally speak and she mentions thebazaar, he thinks
of it as special too.

However, when he arrives therelate because his uncle
was late to come home, later still because the train was delayed and then moved slowlyhe
realizes that it is not special, that it sells the same "porcelain vases and flowered
tea-sets" that one could purchase just about anywhere else. He listens to the cheaply
flirtatious conversation of the young woman and men at the stall and hears a "voice call
from one end of the gallery that the light was out. The upper part of the hall was now
completely dark." The symbolic light that had once lit up Mangan's sister is gone now,
replaced by the darkness. The narrator realizes that his feelings were not special, and that the
world will not stop or even care about his feelings (symbolized by his uncle's forgetfulness of
how important the bazaar was to him, of the late train). He had seemed to believe that he was
special and that he would be able to find something brilliant and unique for his special girl,
but he realizes that this was mere vanity.

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