Sunday, March 26, 2017

What two leaders emerge after the rebellion in "Animal Farm?"

the animals succeed in driving Mr. Jones from the farm, and
emerge as the two opposing leaders. Snowball forms numerous
committees and begins making elaborate blueprints for a windmill. Snowball wishes to
industrialize the farm and plans for the windmill to generate electricity, which will
dramatically improve the standard of living on the farm. Despite Snowball's enthusiasm for
constructing a windmill, Napoleon opposes his plans and even urinates on the blueprints.
Napoleon is a less charismatic pig than Snowball but has a method of intimidating animals in
order to get his own way. Napoleon believes that food production should be the main focus of the
farm and rejects Snowball's political agenda. During an assembly in which the animals are
supposed to vote on the issue, Napoleon usurps power by instructing his ferocious dogs to chase
Snowball off the farm. After Snowball flees the farm, Napoleon begins to rule as a tyrant and
conditions onrapidly deteriorate.

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