Monday, January 8, 2018

From Animal Farm, list the ideals outlined by Old Major that should prevail after the Rebellion?

byexposes the
weaknesses in any system, even one as apparently open and socialist in nature as the one which
exists on the farm after the Rebellion. Georgereveals that the need for power has the capacity,
ultimately, to destroy the good intentions of even a character likewho is no match for the
charismatic, manipulative and essentially immoral . 

The problems are evident
from the beginning when it is necessary to define what it means to be equal because "Some
animals are more equal than others." The animals do outline their rules, applicable to all
animals, initially, in the form of their "Commandments," which support the concept of
Animalism. Humans are evil and they are, "The only real enemy we have," and animals
are forbidden from taking on any human characteristics.  inspires the animals to believe they
can uphold the commandments:

  1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an
  2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend

  3. No animal shall wear clothes
  4. No animal shall sleep in a
  5. No animal shall drink alcohol
  6. No animal shall kill
    any other animal
  7. All animals are equal

Unfortunately, these ideals will gradually be replaced by other versions of
the same, favoring the pigs and creating a situation not unlike the conditions before the

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