Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Differentiate between professional ethics and personal (or public) ethics.

professions come with a written code of ethics. A professional code of ethics governs
individuals' conduct within their profession so that their behavior is ethical, honest, and
above reproach. A professional code of ethics also focuses on social issues and outlines the
general principles which guide a company or an organization's beliefs.  This code may be further
broken into subcategories such as "code of conduct" and "code of practice." 
These are more specific "rules" delineating to what standards employees or
organization members will be held when it comes to carrying out professional

On the other hand, "personal ethics" or the
public's ethics could more simply be defined as a general standard of
acceptable conduct within a society.  While there exist specific written laws that individuals
within a society will be held responsible for following, laws do not necessarily determine the
ethics of the public.  More often, public ethics could be considered the general and mutual
consideration for what is acceptable behavior within a society.  In this way, public ethics vary
greatly between nations, states, cities, and even individuals.

To paint a
hypothetical picture that directly contrasts where professional ethics and personal ethics could
come into conflict, I think of the legal profession.  Lawyers (who are governed by the bar) are
bound by a professional code of ethics dictating specific rules for how they must serve their
clients.  Additionally, all alleged criminals are given the "right to a lawyer."  A
lawyer who, for example, is appointed to defend a certainly guilty offender in a court of law,
may face a conflict between his professional code of ethics (which says that he
must provide adequate defense) and his personal ethics, which typically
condemn such members of society.

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