Wednesday, August 29, 2018

In to Kill a Mockingbird, what are quotes and page numbers showing courage by Atticus, Jem, and Scout?

Please note that page numbers can vary
depending on printing; therefore, I will include chapter numbers as well in case your edition


I wish Bob Ewell wouldn't chew tobacco (, page 217).

Because the trial shows that Tom is innocent (although the verdict didn't) and because
Atticus did his absolute best to give Tom his freedom back, Bob Ewell is livid. He threatens to
kill Atticus and to "get him if it took the rest of his life." And he spits in
Atticus's face when he tells him this. Atticus's reply above shows both his physical and moral
courage. First, he keeps living his life just as he always has and doesn't bend in fear to Bob
Ewell's threats, who is likely a man he should fear. Bob has pretty much nothing to lose in
life. Atticus conveys this sense of peace to his children, who are
concerned for his safety, putting them at ease. The quote also conveys the moral courage of
Atticus, telling his children that "if spitting in [his] face and threatening me saved
Mayella Ewell one extra beating, that's something [he'll] gladly take."


You're shamin'
him, Miss Caroline. Walter hasn't got a quarter at home to bring you, and you can't use any
firewood (, page 21).

Atticus has taught Scout that
although they don't have much, the Cunninghams use other means to barter for what they need, and
they are honest and hardworking. When Scout tries to help her young new teacher understand why
Walter Cunningham doesn't have lunch, Miss Caroline is lost. Scout bravely tries to explain the
situation as delicately as possible, showing courage in standing up for her classmate who can't
possibly afford to pay Miss Caroline back for the money she's forcing on him. Scout is stunned
when Miss Caroline whips her in front of the class for her efforts.


If there's just
one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they
go out of their way to despise each other? (chapter 23, page 227)

At the conclusion of the trial, Jem has the courage to look around his town with
wide-open eyes. He comments that he once thought that the people of Maycomb were the best in the
world, but now he sees the flaws in the foundation. It is not the best for everyone, and even
the talents of his father could not change the outcome for Tom Robinson. As the older sibling,
Jem is beginning to reevaluate his perception of the world and figure out how he can make a
difference, even in small ways like saving a roly-poly a chapter later because it never hurts

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