Tuesday, August 28, 2018

What does man represent in Animal Farm?

represents repression in , a corrupt overseer who must be overthrown. This
is reflected in slogans such as four legs good, two legs bad, s warnings that Farmer Jones is
coming back, and prohibitions on wearing clothes, sleeping in beds, and doing anything human or
appearing human in any way.

Over the course of the novel, ironically,
Napoleon and the pigs become more and more similar to the humans they ostensibly detest. They
eat some of the same foods, sleep in the same beds, even start to walk on two legs. But because
they are pigs, not man, they hoodwink, bully, and brainwash the other animals into believing
their leadership is different and better. The novel famously spoofs the Russian Revolution and
suggests that the animals purged their old leaders only to gain worse leadership under a fancy

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