Tuesday, July 8, 2008

On what topic are the animals divided in Orwell's Animal Farm? What's Snowballs platform? What is Napoleon's platform?

The whole farm was deeply
on the subject of the windmill.

The farm is
on the issue of s windmill.  Snowball believes that modernizing and
electrifying the farm will
be good for all of the animals.  He works out
extensive plans.  Some of the animals are
concerned, however, that the
windmill will be too much work. 

Snowball did not deny that to build it would be a difficult business. €¦ But
maintained that it could all be done in a year. And thereafter, he
declared, so much labour
would be saved that the animals would only need to
work three days a week. (Ch. 5) 

greatest opponent of the windmill is .  He opposes all of
Snowballs ideas. 
Snowball has all of the animals placed into committees and is trying to

organize them.  He tries to teach all of the animals to read.  Napoleon thinks that all
of this
is a waste of time, but his greatest objection is the

Napoleon, on the other hand,
argued that the great need of the moment was to increase
food production, and
that if they wasted time on the windmill they would all starve to
death. (Ch.

Snowball and Napoleon both try to

convince the animals that they are right.

formed themselves into two factions under the slogan, "Vote for
Snowball and the threeˆ’day
week" and "Vote for Napoleon and the full
manger." (Ch. 5) 

Napoleon runs
Snowball off the farm, saying that he is a traitor
who was working with the
humans.  Then, miraculously, it comes out that the windmill was his
idea all
along and he is going to do it.  Napoleon needs the windmill, now that Snowball
gone, to keep the animals busy.  His goal is to make sure it never gets
finished so the animals
are always building it and he can work them

The windmill,
representing technology or
innovation, is an example of how the animals idealized .  Napoleon
used this
idealism against them, making sure to take over all aspects of life.  All
cares about is power, but Snowball really did have the interest of
the animals in

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