Thursday, July 31, 2008

When is Holden Caulfield "phony" in Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye? What are some examples of Holden being a phony, and who does he think is a...

As a
neurotic, troubled adolescent,Caulfield is extremely critical and considers anyone acting
insincere or attempting to portray themselves in artificial light to be phony. For example,
Holden believes his former headmaster Mr. Haas is a phony for shaking parents' hands and
pretending to be happy to see them when they visit on Sundays. Holden also views some of his
peers at Pencey Prep as phonies and labels anyone who is successful, popular, or charismatic to
be a phony. Holden even considers people who use the term "grand" to be

Despite Holden's extremely critical nature, he...

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