Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How does the young Elie change in his appearance, perspective, and relationship to his father as a result of his stay in the concentration camp in

When Eliezer
Wiesel was freed from the
Buchenwald concentration camp in April 1945, he had nothing but the
of his family, his home, and his country.  Everything had been taken from him in
story of Ely Wiesel surviving Nazi concentration camps as a teenager. Interestingly,
waited ten years before he wrote about his survival; consequently,
this is a memoir based on
Wiesels reflections ten years after his nightmarish

Eliezer is
the main character in
Night.  The reader follows his experiences as not
theby the narrator as well. His first person narration places the reader inside the
with the young boy who is the only character in the story that survives
the camps

With the death of his mother and sister,
Eliezer began to have doubts
that God existed, and his faith decreases when
he was taken to the concentration camp. He could
not understand nor believe
how God could let something so horrible happen to him and his


Everywhere the boy looked there were dead bodies.  Where was
God in
this terrible place?  These corpses symbolize to Elie a spiritual

the camps are liberated, Eliezer looks at
himself for the first time in many months. He sees a
corpse in the mirror.
The look in his eyes as he stares at himself never leaves him. It speaks
the horror he has experienced and seen which stole his childhood innocence and his faith
Gods mercy and justice.

When Elys father is dying, he
searches for someone to
help him.  One of the guards tells Elie  that there
is no one to help:

In this place, it is
every man for himself, and you cannot think of
others.  Not eveyone is your
father. In this place, there is no such as father, brother,
friend.  Each of
us lives and dies alone. 


observation of his father dying is too much for the teenager.  He gets in his bunk above
father and sleeps.  When he awakens the next morning, his father has
already been taken to the
crematorium.  He was unable to cry for him. The
father that he loved and admired was gone, yet,
he had the feeling of relief:
both he and his father were free at last. 

After the death
of his father, he became completely idle. His only mission was to eat
survive.  He no longer even thought of his mother or father, only of his survival.  He
lost his way; and he only felt numbness.  This was the way it was even
when the camp was

However, the human spirit
has the ability to rise again.  After
he gained his freedom, Wiesel knew that
he had to devote his life to the cause of human rights. 
He decided to speak
for those who had no voice and for those who suffered from injustice.  That

is what this young boy did with his life. became the man of which his father would


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