Sunday, March 18, 2012

In "The Witch of Blackbird Pond", what was found in Hannah's house that incriminates Kit? This is for chapters 17-18

While Kit is
trying to save Hanna from the mob the people in the community go to Hanna's home and Kit sees it
burning.  Kit gets Hanna safely on the boat and she returns home to find that her cousins are
feeling better and will survive.  Just as Kit starts to relax and get on with her life things
get worse.  "Later that day, four visitors from the village come to the Wood house to
arrest Kit for witchcraft. Goodwife Cruff claims that the reason Hannah got away is because Kit
helped her and that Hannahs cat carried her away in the form of a mouse. Matthew is unimpressed,
and Kit is about to laugh, until the constable reveals the Silver Hornbook
Kit had been using to teach Prudence to write. When Matthew asks Kit if it was
hers, Kit says yes and that she used to visit Hannah and bring her gifts. The fact that Matthew
did not know this was happening gives the visitors an opening, and they insist on taking

This is a problem because Matthew was the head of the household and
he should have known what was going on in his own house.  The fact that Kit didn't tell anyone
she had befriended Hanna makes her look guilty.

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