to the Party, Emmanuel Goldstein was a former member who left to form what is referred to in
hushed tones as the "Brotherhood," a sort of dissident organization. Goldstein, as a
former insider, supposedly wrote a book called The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical
Collectivism, which explained how the Party exerts its control over the people, and
suggested a means by which it might be overthrown.reads the book after finding it in a shop
among the proles. Much like Big Brother, it seems that Goldstein is a fabrication of the Party
itself. His face is held up as a figure for derision during the daily Two Minutes of Hate, and
much of the "theory" described in his supposedly subversive book is exposed as a lie
by , who tells Winston that the Party is without ideology except that of power for its own sake.
Goldstein is portrayed to the Party members as a constant threat, always plotting against the
Party, and it is likely that this supposed threat is a means to create the constant sense of
crisis that sustains the Party. In any case, the hope that Winston feels after reading
Goldstein's supposed book is quickly crushed.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
In 1984, who is Goldstein?
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