Friday, June 22, 2012

How is Okonkwo responsible for his own downfall?

Althoughis a successful, proud leader of
Umuofia, he is afraid of being viewed as weak or becoming like his effeminate father, .
Okonkwo's hypermasculinity and fear of being viewed as weak influence his aggressive demeanor,
which leads to several costly decisions, resulting in his downfall. Initially, Okonkwo disrupts
the Week of Peace by severely beating his wife, which offends the earth goddess. Okonkwo then
disobeys the Oracle by taking part in 's death. Okonkwo was Ikemefuna's surrogate father, and
the boy became an integral part of their family. Tragically, the Oracle declares that Ikemefuna
must be sacrificed, and Okonkwo is instructed to not play a role in his death. Since Okonkwo
fears being viewed as weak, he disobeys the Oracle by killing Ikemefuna.

Following Ikemefuna's death,becomes distant from his father, and Okonkwo remains
callous and insensitive. Okonkwo then accidentally kills Ezeudu's son when his gun goes off
during a funeral and is exiled for seven years. Once Okonkwo returns to Umuofia, he cannot
adjust to the rapidly changing culture. With the introduction of Christianity and the presence
of white missionaries, Umuofia has dramatically transformed. Okonkwo believes that his clan is
losing its traditional way of life and cannot control his anger. Okonkwo reacts with violence by
decapitating a white messenger and commits suicide before he can be arrested by agents of the
colonial government. Overall, Okonkwo's inflexible, aggressive nature influences his violent
decisions, which prove to be costly and lead to his demise.

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