Thursday, June 21, 2012

In "The Open Window," what conclusion can be drawn about Mrs. Sappleton's niece, Vera?

concludes, "Romance at short notice
was her specialty." Vera is, indeed, glib and
disingenuous,"romantically" and cleverly capable of blurring the lines
the imaginative and the real.

Certainly, Vera must
be practiced in her skill
at telling a tall tale that seems real as she
weaves fact with , creating a verisimilitude
[hence, the name
Vera- as the Latin root for truth

] that deceives the vulnerable listener, Framton Nuttel. This is the
of "romance" to which the author alludes. Vera uses the actual details
of the
Stappleton men's departure through the large window as the husband
carries his "white
waterproof coat" and they walk with the "little brown
spaniel" to whom Ronnie
always sings, "Bertie, why do you bound?" in order to
cement Nuttel's credulity when
the men do return. 

Further, Vera fabricates the explanation that the window
is kept
open because her delusional aunt is convinced that the men are not dead and will
Just to embellish the horror for the moment when the men return, Vera

"Do you know, sometimes on a
still, quiet evening like this, I
almost get a creepy feeling that they will
walk in through that window--"

when the men do, in fact, return, Vera, acting in accord with
her talent for
"short notice," pretends to stare out through this window "with
dazed horror
in her eyes" and the terrified Framton Nuttel flees. Clearly, spontaneous

"[R]omance" is her "specialty."

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