Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Are all the people emotional like us', refer to the poem no men are foriegn by james kirkup

The fundamental
issue here is whether or not one accepts
the collective identity that Kirkup is advocating in
his poem.If one does buy
it, then yes, there is an emotional component to all people.As the
post indicates, what might trigger it could vary from person to person, but all of
would contain some level of emotional affect.There is another side that
flat out rejects
Kirkup's idealism in suggesting that some have foregone the
right to be considered "like
us" because they do not wish to be "like
us."When suicide bombers seek to
advocate their cause throughforce, they are
not "like us."When Hitler and the Nazis
obliterate millions, they are not
"like us."Part of what makes this debate such a
challenge is that it strikes
at the fundamental view people have of the world and the inherent
problems in
each viewpoint. If there is a belief that commonality can transcend
then Kirkup is absolutely right.No countries can be deemed
strange and nothing else foreign.The
problem, of course, is that if nothing
is different from us, then we are unable to pass
judgments on behaviors
because it's all relative and "since we are the same, I guess I
would do the
same in their position."The other side of this coin reflects that if there is

a belief that there are distinct differences, this can lead to demonizing other nations
other peoples.One does not have to go very far to find the detrimental
examples of this
practice, either.Kirkup's poem in its simplicity raises
these issues to the surface for
discourse and analysis.]]>

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