Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Describe the major differences between President Lincolns and Congresss plans for Reconstruction.

Ten Percent plan was quite lenient in letting the former Confederate states back into the Union.
Ten percent of the state's voters in 1860 would have to swear loyalty to the Union and draw up a
new state constitution. High-ranking Confederates would not be hung for treason, but they would
be ineligible to regain their citizenship.

The Wade-Davis bill was the
highlight of Congressional . The Radical arm of the Republican Party had taken over and sought
to punish Southerners. While the bill that would end slavery was passed on Lincoln's watch, they
made black citizenship and suffrage a condition for a state to be allowed back into the Union.
They also demanded that all men swear loyalty to the Union in order for a state to be

It is important to note that Lincoln devised his plan while the
war was still in progress; Lincoln hoped to break states away from the Confederacy by making it
easier for them to rejoin the Union. The Radical Republicans saw a...

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