arrested by the Thought Police, he is taken to the Ministry of Love, wherebecomes his torturer.
During his time spent in the Ministry of Love, Winston suffers from malnutrition, lack of sleep,
exhaustion, and physical abuse. While O'Brien tortures Winston, he continually lectures him on
the Party's ideologies and attempts to brainwash him. However, Winston proves difficult and
refuses to fully accept Big Brother into his heart. No matter how hard Winston tries to become
completely orthodox, he absolutely detests the Party. Unfortunately, O'Brien can tell whenever
Winston is lying and ends up taking him into the dreaded Room 101, where Winston encounters his
worst fear. After having a device placed on his head, Winston comes face-to-face with
flesh-eating rats and betrays. Winston finally loses his mind in Room 101 and is brainwashed
into loving Big Brother. Winston's love for Big Brother is illustrated by his reverence and
admiration for the Party while...
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
At the end of 1984, why does Winston love Big Brother?
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