Tuesday, January 22, 2013

In "Charles," what are some of the characteristics of Laurie? (verbs, adverbs and/or adjectives that indicate his actions and attitude)

's use of descriptive
language offers readers a vivid view of the character Laurie in the short story "."
The following descriptors offer insight into the character of the narrator's son.

Swaggering- Seems to define Laurie as a little older than
he really is. Readers may picture a boy with a chimp on his shoulder by this

His "voice suddenly become
raucous." Here, readers can picture a boy running into the
house, unconcerned with anything which is going on. Therefore, this shows his self-centered aura
of the typical kindergartner.

At lunch he spoke
insolently to his father, spilled his
baby sisters milk, and remarked that his teacher said we were not to take the name of the Lord
in vain.

If readers are to infer, the previous passage
states that Laurie was the one who took the Lord's name in vain given she uses the pronoun
"we." Also, the spilling of his sister's milk and speaking rudely to his father show
is lack of concern for others.

He sure did, Laurie
said. Look up, he said to his father.

What? his father said, looking

Look down, Laurie said. Look at my thumb. Gee, youre dumb. He began
to laugh insanely.

In the dialogue above, one can infer
that Laurie is disrespectful of his parents. A child should not call a parent dumb. While
seemingly harmless, when put together with all of the other indirect characterizations, Laurie
is far from the "sweet-voiced nursery-school tot" he used to be.

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