Monday, January 21, 2013

What is the impact of the point of view in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex?

Like most
plays, is narrated in the Third-Person Objective point of
. In Third-Person Objective, we do not directly hear any ' thoughts and
feelings. Instead, thoughts, feelings, and motivations are revealed
through actions and dialogue. Since this is a play, we are only
provided actions and dialogue to tell us about things such asand themes. However, the dialogue
does primarily focus on . The focus on Oedipus allows us to
see his transformation as a character and his
, which impacts the play by helping us see the depths of

We know that Oedipus is the focus on the narration
because the play opens with him asking his citizens and the priest what is ailing them. Oedipus
is also the main source of the conflicts, first withand then with . Oedipus begins an argument
with Tiresias after Tiresias delivers his prophecy declaring that soon Oedipus will realize that
his own actions are the source of the gods' anger and the plague. Oedipus accuses Tiresias of
being bought to deliver false prophecy by Creon whom he accuses of plotting his overthrow. Next
Oedipus gets into a verbal conflict with Creon as he confronts Creon for his assumption that he
is trying to take the thrown. Finally, Oedipus begins to realize the truth about Tiresias's
prophecy and who he actually is. His realizations culminate in several speeches, especially one
long speech describing his misery at the realizations of his transgressions against his parents
and the gods, as we see in his lines:

... For I don't know
with what eyes I could look and see my father when I go down to Hell, nor again my poor mother;
to those two my deeds are beyond what hanging could punish. (1393-96)

Hence, since the Third Person
point of view focuses on Oedipus, it gives
us the opportunity to learn what his character is like and to witness his
, which makes the tragedy even more

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