Monday, March 25, 2013

In "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," what does Jonathan Edwards say sinners must obtain, and what must sinners do to obtain it?

Edwards suggests that
the unregenerate must be spiritually reborn or else God will take no pity on them, will feel no
compassion for them, but will only deliver the wrath that "Justice requires" him to.
Without such a spiritual rebirth, God will not only hate these individuals, but he will hold
them in the highest contempt, and they will suffer terribly under God's fierceness for all
eternity. It does not matter if a person is "moral and strict, sober and religious";
if they are unconverted, then they will suffer. He says,

And now you have an extraordinary Opportunity, a Day wherein Christ has flung the Door of Mercy
wide open, and stands in the Door calling and crying with a loud Voice to poor Sinners; a Day
wherein many are flocking to him, and pressing into the Kingdom of God; [...] many that were
very lately in the same miserable Condition that you are in, are in now an happy State, with
their Hearts filled with Love to Him that has loved them and washed them for their Sins in

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