Friday, March 29, 2013

Tom Parsons, Syme, Katherine Jones Aaronson and the Rutherford trio- Explain who they are in 1984 and why they are important in Winston's world....

individuals are other characters in the novel and represent something other than themselves to

Tom Parsons--represents the perfect Party member.  Tom is always active in
the community hikes, and is the epitome of the Party.  He is turned in by his daughter for
thoughtcrime.  If Tom Parsons isn't safe, no one is.

Syme--the man who is
reponsible for developing the Newspeak Dictionary.  He is very proud of his work, and talks
widely about it.  Winston decides early on the book that Syme will be vaporized since he is so
outspoken about the progress of the language and his pride in his intellect.  Syme is vaporized
which justifies Winston's own intellect and ability to recognize those who are not good Party

Katherine--Winston's wife.  She is wooden and unfeeling...especially
during sex.  She represents the good Party girl who follows the rules to the "T".  She
and Winston are separated since the marriage is a failure--they have failed to produce offspring
for the Party.

The Trio--are the ones who defied the Party and lived to tell
about it in the Chestnut Tree with their bottomless glasses of Victory Gin.  They are innocent,
as Winston has discovered, but no proof can be offered.  They are killed in the name of the
Party, and later in the book, Winston ends up in their shoes.

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