Monday, March 4, 2013

What is ironic about the function of the Ministry of Love in 1984?

There are
several types ofinvolved in the Ministry of Love: verbal and situational irony. Verbal irony
occurs when words mean the opposite of what we expect them to mean, and situational irony occurs
when events work out differently than we would expect in normal circumstances.

The name Ministry of Love is an example of verbal irony: this ministry is a place of
torture, not love. As an example of situational irony, the Ministry of Love is a place where
people deemed a threat to the state are starved, beaten, electrocuted, terrorized, and
dehumanized. This is the opposite of how we normally define loving behavior. The goal is to
stamp out the humanity of the victims: normally, as the novel itself shows through the
relationship betweenand, love brings people to a fuller humanity and is expressed through
tenderness to the beloved. In the Ministry of Love, however, souls are destroyed, and people are
released as empty husks obedient to the state for the short time they are...

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