Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Bronze Bow: Chapter 5 summary

With the
harvest season of Nisan drawing to a close, Daniel becomes impatient to take the fight to the
Romans. He doesn't understand why Rosh lingers in the mountains, giving everyone seemingly
menial tasks.

As he broods, Daniel remembers Joel bar Hezron, the young man
who climbed up to the mountain stronghold with his sister, Thacia. He thinks that Joel would be
willing to join Rosh's band of soldiers if he has another chance. Buoyed with hope, he requests
Rosh's permission to seek out Joel in Capernaum. The leader of the Zealots is skeptical, but
consents to let Daniel go.

As Daniel enters the city, he is greeted by
strange and wonderful sights. He marvels over the abundant produce in the marketplace, the ships
in the harbor, and most of all, the day's catch the fishermen are bringing in. A young woman
offers him some freshly cooked fish for his breakfast and tells him that everyone is waiting for
the carpenter teacher. When Daniel sees Jesus, he is fascinated by the preacher's aura of
vitality and strength. He stays to listen to Jesus' words, but finds himself irritated at the
easy presence of Roman soldiers among the Jewish populace.

Frustrated with
the reminder of Israel's captivity, Daniel decides to make his way to Joel's house. At Rabbi
Hezron's house, he is initially greeted by a stunned Thacia. However, Joel enthusiastically
invites Daniel in, despite the latter's acute embarrassment. Everything Daniel knows about the
Pharisees makes him uncomfortable in this lavishly opulent . Yet, it is clear that Joel is
ecstatic Daniel has come and no set precedents or Pharisaical laws are going to prevent him from
thoroughly enjoying his friend's company.

Daniel soon meets the intimidating
Rabbi Hezron, who glances with distaste at the clothing on Daniel's back; after all, anyone who
steps into a Pharisee home must take off his cloak to avoid spiritually contaminating the home.
At the table, Daniel finds himself out of his element; he is confused and frustrated at the many
ceremonial laws and unspoken traditions governing the ingestion of food in such a home. Daniel's
only guide is his hunger, but he is unable to satisfy his appetite openly.

Rabbi Hezron quizzes Daniel about his parents. However, the Pharisee's patronizing air
and condescending questions deeply offend Daniel. It is not long before an argument threatens
the peace of the atmosphere. Frustrated at his thwarted hunger, Daniel lashes out. When he
expresses his deep anger at the Roman presence in Israel, Rabbi Hezron sternly counters with the
assertion that the Jews should be thankful for any conceivable Roman largesse towards them. He
cites the example of a new synagogue built with Roman funds.

Daniel responds
that he will never be thankful for a synagogue built with the blood-tainted funds of Roman
generosity. The Rabbi rebukes the young man and counsels him to endure what God has seen fit to
allow. He criticizes what he considers the seeming lack of judgment displayed by the Zealots,
asserting that their ill-founded rebellions have only succeeded in causing more Jewish deaths
and the imposition of higher taxes on the people. It is his belief that the Law given to Moses
and the prophets will endure long after the Romans are gone. He wants his son, Joel, to devote
himself to the laws of his faith rather than to dedicate himself to a senseless, physical
conflict against a superior army.

Daniel leaves the house with a bad taste in
his mouth. Not only has he lost a potential recruit, he has lost the first friend he has made in
a long while.

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