Saturday, September 28, 2013

What type of emotional appeals does Edwards use to breakthrough to his congregation in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?

The entire
sermon is structured to appeal to
the emotions of the listeners through vivid descriptions of
the horrendous
fate awaiting sinful human beings, which Edwards explains includes everyone
the congregation.

The "Application" section is most
pointed at those listening to the sermon. In this part of his
presentation, Edwards addresses
the immediate and dire consequences awaiting
those who do not repent. He pictures the revulsion
that creation experiences
because each member of the congregation lives in the midst of what God

the sun does not willingly shine upon you
give you light to serve sin and Satan; the earth does not willingly yield
her increase to
satisfy your lusts;...the air does not willingly serve you
for breath to maintain the flame of
life in your vitals, while you spend your
life in the service of God's enemies.

As well as explaining how disgusting humanity is in the eyes of

nature, Edwards also portrays the sensations awaiting sinful persons when they are
called to
suffer the wrath of "an Angry God." With emphasis through
repetition and graphic
description, he attempts to convey the torment that is
in store.

There will be no end to this
exquisite horrible misery. When you look forward, you
shall see a long
forever, a boundless duration before you, which will swallow up your
and amaze your soul; and you will absolutely despair of ever having
any deliverance, any end,
any mitigation, any rest at all.

Edwards concludes his
sermon, after all the
terror and anguish and punishment in the bulk of it, by appealing to
of the congregation to "fly from the wrath to come" - a closing invitation

urging listeners to flee from the hellfire and brimstone of the preceeding


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