Thursday, January 23, 2014

What do Big Brother and Golstien mainly symbolize?

Big Brother and
Emmanuel Goldstein, from s , may be regarded as fictional figures created
by the Party to carry multiple symbolic connotations.

Lets begin by
considering Big Brother.  From the myriad posters that display his image, he is a
larger-than-life figure, omnipresent, middle-aged and has a ruggedly handsome face.  Although
never glimpsed in real life, his exaggerated physical and psychological presence €“ Big Brother
is watching you - suggest he is a political phantasm to heighten the power and influence of the
party.   He is primarily a symbol of fear that sees and knows all things no matter how private,
how hidden.  The monitors are his eyes through which he controls individuals and abuses them
until they, like , end by loving Big Brother.   Some critics suggest Big Brother is a symbol
for all tyrants and dictators especially totalitarian dictators like Hitler or Stalin. 
Furthermore, he has religious overtones in his omnipotence and omnipresence.

The novel opens with Winston having the impression that Big Brothers poster eyes follow
him as he climbs the stairs to his apartment.  As he enters he is greeted by the voice from the
telescreen, used by the Thought Police to spy on all party members.  Through the open window, he
notices the ironic slogans of the Ministry of Truth: War is Peace.  Freedom is Slavery. 
Ignorance is Strength.  Within this setting, Winston embarks stealthily, but determined, on his
first Thoughtcrime.

Through the pain, deprivation, and oppression dramatized
in 1984, satirizes the inversion and falsification of reality and the
dangers of corrupt, power-hungry government to deprive the individual of rightful human freedom,
essential to maintain human dignity.

Emmanuel Goldstein, known to Winston
andas the leader of the resistance movement, the Brotherhood, appears to be symbolic of Leon
Trotsky, the leader of the Russian Revolution.  Author of The Theory and Practice of
Oligarchical Collectivism
, which parodies several of the more modern political
treatises like Karl Marxs Das Kapital, Leon Trotskys The
Revolution Betrayed
and Burnhams The Managerial Revolution,
Goldstein, in his opposition to Big Brother, becomes symbolic of all who fight
against enslavement and oppression.

While Goldstein and his book slows the
pace and makes the reader wait to have Julia and Winston arrested, they also focus the reader on
the folly of the content of such significant political content that empties the individual of
all human passion and ethos.

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