Sunday, January 26, 2014

Where do Romeo and Juliet meet?

At the
beginning of the play, the Capulets host a feast at their home. 's friendtalks Romeo into
attending. Romeo has been heartsick for love of Rosaline, but Benvolio insists that if they
attend the party, Romeo will see plenty of other young women who will outshine Rosaline, and
he'll be cured of his love for her. So they attend the party, even though they are of the
Montague clan and therefore enemies of the Capulets.

At the same time as
Benvolio is talking Romeo into going to the party, 's mother talks her into attending in order
to check out , who intends to ask her father for her hand in marriage.and the nurse discuss the
fact that since Juliet will turn fourteen in less than two weeks, she is certainly of
marriageable age.

When Romeo comes to the Capulet home for the party, his
roving eyes immediately land on Juliet. He is stricken with her and asks a server who she is,
but he (surprisingly) doesn't know. Romeo moves in to meet her an begins the conversation with a
daringly brazen pick-up line. Taking her hand, he says:

If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch
with a tender kiss.

Juliet deflects the offer of a kiss
by saying that pilgrims touch palms in lieu of kissing on the lips. Romeo turns her words around
and steals a kiss, which she doesn't object to. After a couple more lines of banter, he kisses
her a second time.

Only at the end of the scene after
Romeo has left Juliet's home do they realize they've "fallen in love" with someone
from the enemy clan.

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