Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How is male aggression explored throughout the play Romeo and Juliet?

is a play about the
tempestuousness of emotions, reflected in its treatment of both
love and
hatred. Violence is a key recurring theme within this play, which follows two
families caught up in vendetta. It's worth noting that (following a
brief ) the play opens on a
scene in which violence is very much on the
forefront, with the stage directions for Act 1,
Scene 1 reading: "Enterand ,
armed with swords and bucklers." Two servants of the
Capulets emerge armed on
stage, run into two servants of the Montagues, and the situation
with the arrival ofand the hyper-violent , drawing in still more participants as
situation turns into open violence in the streets.

Violence is central to the
world of and , but
it's also a critical component to the personalities of
many of the
characters. Tybalt more than anyone else seems consumed by his hatred of the

Montagues, and his aggression ultimately leads to his death....

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