Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In To Kill A Mockingbird, how is justice portrayed throughout the story and why is it important?

Justice is
portrayed or symbolized in this
novel as a mockingbird. A mockingbird is an innocent creature
that harms no
one and sings beautiful songs. As Miss Maudie tells , it is a sin to kill


Therefore, killing or harming an innocent person is at the heart
of how
injustice is understood in this novel. The two people who are
mockingbirds treated unjustly are
Tom Robinson and .

Robinson is the main mockingbird. Although he has done
nothing but try to be
helpful to Mayella Ewell, she accuses him of rape. In the racist world of
South, the word of a white woman is always automatically believed over the word of a
person. Although Robinson is clearly innocent of rape, he is unjustly
convicted by a jury that
places upholding the racial hierarchy over making a
fair decision based on evidence.

Boo Radley, being white,
suffers a far less dire fate than Tom Robinson, but the
prejudice with which
the children treat him is a parallel story to the...

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