Monday, August 11, 2014

How does Hawthorne show the major elements of antitranscendentalism in "Young Goodman Brown"?

shows the dark side of human nature and the
struggle between good and evil in
by placing his main
character against not only the devil, but the evil in
the heart of everyone
else in the town where he lives.


focuses on the evil in people. Anti-transcendentalists don't believe that people are
good. Instead, they believe that all humans are weak to sin and
likely to fail when offered
temptation. It's a less hopeful style of
literature than transcendentalism.

In the story, Goodman
Brown witnesses a community member talking to the devil after his
own plans
to meet the devil. As he makes his way back to town, he finds that everyone
involved in a Black Mass. The people he thought were pious and beyond
reproach are instead evil
and celebrating the devil. He does eventually yell
for his wife to resist. When he does, he
wakes up alone.

However, this doesn't change him for the better. If
anything, the vision he
had makes his...

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