Thursday, August 28, 2014

What are some examples of transfer propaganda techniques used throughout Animal Farm?

As was
mentioned in the previous post, transfer propaganda is defined as a technique that projects the
positive or negative qualities of an individual to something in order to make the second seem
more or less acceptable.continually uses transfer propaganda to oppress and manipulate the other
animals on the farm into accepting the pigs' decisions. Afterchasesoff of the farm, the ruling
pigs use transfer propaganda to blame all of their failures on Snowball. Transfer propaganda is
employed to blame Snowball for the destruction of the windmill, as well as all of the other
unfortunate occurrences on the farm.writes,

anything went wrong it became usual to attribute it to Snowball" (30).

When Squealer declares that Snowball was in league with Jones and
plotted againstat the Battle of Cowshed, many of the animals find this hard to believe.
Whenquestions Squealer and comments that Snowball fought bravely, Squealer uses transfer
propaganda by appealing to Napoleon's authority. Squealer says,

"Our Leader, Comrade Napoleon...has stated categoricallycategorically, comradethat
Snowball was Joness agent from the very beginningyes, and from long before the Rebellion was
ever thought of" (Orwell 32).

Upon learning that
Napoleon stated that Snowball was allied with Jones during the Battle of Cowshed, Boxer accepts
Squealer's testimony. Napoleon is viewed as an infallible, honest leader which means that all of
his comments must be true.

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