Saturday, October 10, 2015

In "Eveline" by James Joyce, what are the language techniques that the author uses in the narration?

's story
"" portrays the internal reality of a disappointing and repressive existence. In doing
so, Joyce employs several literary techniques:

1. Allusions

There are several religious allusions. The dust refers to the ashes given before Lent
as a reminder of man's mortality; the saints and the priest are reminders of the domination of
the Catholic Church in this Irish family.  Eveline "prays to God to direct

2. Back-story

The background of Eveline's past
with the neighborhood that has changed, the abusive father, and her promises made to Blessed
Margaret Mary Alacoque add meaning to the current action of the plot.


As Eveline sits at the window and ponders her consent to go away,
she recalls her childhood and her abusive father. There was the "invariable squabble for
money" as well and all the hard work of taking care of the house.


While she considers her promise to leave with the sailor Frank,
and how people will treat her with respect in the new place. Eveline envisions her supervisor at
work being glad that she has left, and recalls the details of what Miss Gavan has always
criticized. She also ponders her new life with Frank.


As an abused child and depressed young woman whose also has strong religious ties with
her promises to Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque, as well as her promise to her dying mother to
care for her younger brother, it appears that it will be difficult for Eveline to leave her
family.  In addition, Frank is a sailor who has traveled around the world and suggests moving to
Buenos Aires, a city of many emigrants and adventurers where there may be temptations for


The funerealof cretonne and dust and brown in
theof the story suggests the depressive state of Eveline and the dismal quality of her life and
the future death of her dream of escape.

The religious imagery of the saints
and the priest suggest the tremendous oppression of Eveline's Catholicism with its


The promise of the Sacred Heart, I will
give peace in their homes, is not kept; and the promises that Eveline has made to the Blessed
Margaret Mary Alacoque seem falsified by the fact that this beatified person engaged secretly
in severe corporal mortifications upon herself until paralysis confined her to bed for four
years.  Of course, the irony of her paralysis cannot be missed, either.


Eveline tries to convince herself by repeating, "Frank would
save her....He would save her."

9. Stream of Consciousness

Most of the narrative of this story is written as theof Eveline.

Thematic Patterning

Throughout Eveline's interiorof the past and of her
future hopes, there is the motif of paralysis. Eveline cannot control her own life; instead, she
sees herself as a victim of her father's abuse and Miss Gavan's control and her religious


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