Friday, July 8, 2016

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, who is responsible for Romeo's and Juliet's deaths?

In the
final scene,speaks rightly when he blames Lords Capulet and Montague for not only 's and 's
deaths, but also for the deaths of the Prince's own relatives. The Prince blames their hatred
and their feud for all of these deaths. We see this accusation in the Prince's lines:

Where be these enemies? Capulet, Montage,
See what a
scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven finds means to kill your joys with
And I, for winking at you, discords too,
Have lost a brace of kinsmen.
All are punish'd. (Act 5, Scene 3)

However, others are
also indirectly responsible for Romeo's and Juliet's deaths. Whilebroke no law nor holy sanction
in marryingwithout parental consent, even though his motive seems noble, one has to question the
sensibleness of his decision. Friar Laurence agrees to marry them because he believed the
"alliance may so happy prove, / To turn your households' rancour to pure love." In
other words, he believed that uniting Romeo and Juliet in wedlock would put an end to the feud.
The flaw in his plan is that the marriage was performed in secret with no immediate plan unveil
the marriage. Had he been wiser, he would have foreseen that the ongoing feud would prevent any
real relationship between Romeo and Juliet, sabotaging his efforts to create peace. Instead, he
should have postponed the marriage until he, himself, could prepare Lords Capulet and Montague
for the union. Friar Laurence continued to make things even worse by lying toin helping Juliet
fake her death. For all of these reasons Friar Laurence is indirectly responsible for their
deaths. However, he is rightly pardoned by the Prince, because ultimately, their deaths are the
fault of Lords Capulet and Montague.

is also indirectly responsible. Had he
not had such a hot-headed temper and instead agreed with his uncle to let Romeo alone for
crashing the ball, Tybalt, as well as Rome and Juliet, would have remained alive. Tybalt's death
led to Romeo's banishment, which led to both his and Juliet's deaths.

the Prince also holds himself indirectly responsible because he did not check Lords Capulet and
Montague sooner, nor try to stop the feud sooner. His personal blame is seen in the line,
"and I, for winking at you, discords too, / Have lost a brace of kinsmen."



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