Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What is the theme and tone in W.E.B. DuBois' short poem "A Litany at Atlanta"?

DuBois was a deeply religious man, but one who drew very clear distinctions between the theology
and the practice of religion.  In other words, he was a Christian with a strong sense of faith,
but he viewed the practice of Christianity by the whites who dominated society as antithetical
to the true tenets of Christianity.  One can read "A Litany at Atlanta" has an eerily
prescient warning against the church bombing that would occur decades later (specifically,
September 15, 1963) in Birmingham, Alabama, which killed four young girls, but DuBois poem was a
product of his anger at white hypocrisy and white brutality and its tone would be articulated
more scathingly in his essay "The Souls of White Folks," which immediately follows
"A Litany at Atlanta" in his Darkwater: Voices from Within the
, the link to which is provided below.

Understanding the distinction DuBois drew between the theology and practice of
Christianity is essential for the understanding of "A Litany at Atlanta."  It is
essential because, reading this poem, one can easily question the authors commitment to a life
of Christ.  Read the first lines in this poem, and one can be forgiven for concluding that
DuBois was spiteful regarding the existence of a benign divine being:

O Silent God, Thou whose voice afar in mist and mystery hath left
our ears an-hungered in these fearful days

Hear us, good

Listen to us, Thy children: our faces dark with doubt are
made a mockery in Thy Sanctuary. 

Our voices sink in silence and in

Hear us, good Lord!

In night,
O God of a godless land!

DuBois is not, though,
questioning the existence of God, or even condemning God for the persecution of blacks.  Rather,
he is condemning whites who, in the name of God, would violate the fundamental tenets of
Christianity.  DuBois, in stark contrast to Booker T. Washington, was not willing to go silently
into the night and exist at the pleasure of whites, hoping that, by setting a good example,
blacks would be eventually treated as equals.  DuBois was a fierce advocate of racial equality
as it should have existed since the dawn of time, and believed that it was white Christians who
had systematically laid the groundwork for the destitution of blacks and for the social
dysfunction that was already plaguing black communities.  As indicated in the following stanza
from "A Litany at Atlanta," DuBois is taking aim squarely at white Christian

And yet, whose is the deeper guilt? Who made
these devils? Who nursed them in crime and fed them on injustice? Who ravished and debauched
their mothers and their grandmothers? Who bought and sold their crime and waxed fat and rich on
public iniquity?

The tone is bitterness and righteous
indignation.  The theme is white perversion of Christianity and the resultant subjugation and
alienation of blacks.

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