Monday, February 19, 2018

How is Animal Farm an allegory?

is anof the Russian

Revolution and the rise of Josef Stalin. Through the story,is attempting to demonstrate
dangers of utopian projects, which carry the risk of degenerating into
totalitarian nightmares
like Stalin's USSR or 's Animal Farm. The book is
full of fairly transparent references to real
historical events, figures, and a Karl Marx figure, making the animals conscious of
their own
repressed condition and calling for a Leon Trotsky, the hero of the
Army (Snowball was instrumental in winning the Battle of the Cowshed) who
was pushed aside by
Josef Stalin. Napoleon is Stalin himself, ruling the
Animal Farm through a combination of
propaganda and terror. Napoleon's
increasingly comfortable relations with the humans is meant to
evoke the
Nazi-Soviet nonagression pact, and like Hitler, they attack the Animal Farm
destroy the windmill. Napoleon, like Stalin, uses bloody purges (with
dogs instead of secret
police) to maintain fear and control over the

Orwell called
Animal Farm a
"fairy story," but it had a very serious point to
make about the perils of
totalitarianism, one that was made perhaps even more poignant through
his use
of allegory. 

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