Friday, February 2, 2018

In Animal Farm, how do the pigs treat the other animals?

At the
beginning of the novella, the pigs take the initiative to expand upon 's ideas and develop a
system of thought referred to as Animalism, which promotes solidarity and comradery among all
animals. The pigs also attempt to educate the other animals by teaching them how to read and
write while simultaneously instructing them on the principles of Animalism. After the animals
successfully expel Mr. Jones from the farm,creates several animal committees and encourages all
of the animals to have a say in their democratic government. However, the pigs begin enjoying
certain privileges that the other animals do not have access to and refrain from engaging in
manual labor. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse whenusurps power by driving
Snowball from the farm. Under Napoleon's tyrannical reign, the pigs on the farm are considered
upper class and lord over the other animals. They make every political decision, enjoy the best
amenities and products the farm has to offer, sleep in the farmhouse, drink alcohol, refrain
from manual labor, and are the only animals afforded an education. By the end of the novella,
the pigs enjoy their privileged lives as they oppress and discriminate against the other animals
on the farm.

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